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4 Reasons to Add Solar Panels to Your Home


Solar panels have been increasing in private property popularity for the last twenty years.  Although few homes currently have these panels, there’s a large push for everyone to incorporate them into their daily life.  You can learn about the advantages of Solar panels, on this website:

If you’re still unsure, here are four of the top reasons everyone should add solar panels to their property.

Save on Energy Bills

Although there is an upfront cost of solar panels, most will pay for themselves within the first nine to twelve years.  This may seem like a long-haul investment, but after that, you’ll be able to save a lot of money by simply allowing the panels to do their work. In addition, they require minimal maintenance, with the most upkeep ensuring that they’re kept clean so that they can do their job well, and in all, they’re a very cost-effective option for anyone who has their eyes set on their future expenses.

Help The Environment

This may be the most obvious reason, but it’s okay if it’s not your main reason.  Solar panels allow us to use an electricity source that would otherwise go to waste.  Instead of relying on the city grid, utilizing this energy ensures that less electricity is needed to be made through other methods like fossil fuels.  This can help the environment and can reduce the negative impact each of us has on the natural world that surrounds us.

Tax Cut For Green Living

The ITC (investment tax credit) ensures that you can get a return of 26% of what you invested in your solar panels because you’re choosing to live in a more green style.  Some states offer different incentives as well, which makes it even more inspiring to look for a good place to include solar panels when shopping for Charlotte homes for sale.  This tax credit ensures that it’s more affordable for some and is why more solar panels are built and added on at the end of the year, rather than in the summer when many find it more reasonable.

Increase Resale Value

Since green-minded living is becoming so popular, many house hunters are looking for properties that are already outfitted with the future in mind.  Homes with solar panels already installed and in use are more likely to sell faster and for more money than their less prepared counterparts do.  This can be hard to track, based on what area you’re in since the perceived value is higher in the northwest than it is in the south, so if you’re doing this in an attempt to increase property value before you sell, do some research on the trends in your area first.

Solar panels are always a good idea, especially if your home is east-facing.  A house that faces this way allows for solar panels to be placed on the back of the home’s roof, which allows for you to glean the rewards of solar panels without having to make them a major part of your home design.  They’re trendy, but that doesn’t mean they have to take up much space for your curb appeal!

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